Monday 7 December 2009

Updateathon: The Sequel

It's time for another UPDATEATHON! Not as much news here as last time but still enough worth UPDATEATHON...ING (??).
The Possibly Winning VIP Room Name Winner (Umm...) Iss......
Currently in the lead is Bluggin' Beach Bunker with 22 votes SO FAR. In second place it's the Midnight Member Party Room with 17 votes. As you can see, I voted MIDNIGHT MEMBER PARTY ROOM (WOOT) Please can you help the cause (ha!) and vote No.2 on the list. Okay, okay, that's a bit mean, you can vote for who you want, but if you can't think of anything, vote MIDNIGHT MEMBER PARTY ROOM. Okay, OR Club Dancing Fish, as whoever chose that must feel bad that s/he only got one vote. Part Two, and now it's more about my site.
Just incase you haven't noticed, I've added quite a few gadgets onto my site, including a poll, a music player (you may have noticed my most used song are VERY weird, but i reccomend them) a fortune cookie simulator and a counter that tells you and I how many other people are currently browsing the website. That may come in handy later on when I add a chat gadget....

That's it for today's news and other weirdness stuff about me, but I'll leave you with one last note... sooner or later Webosaurs will disicover the ledgendary VIP or not to VIP (GEDDIT?) that lets members OR non-member go to the VIP Room at the Jungle beach, so I think we'll have to report it... but what do you think? CommentCommentComment!!!!!

Over and out,
NightStriker, Webosaurs Elites Prime Minister ^_^