Thursday 31 December 2009

SORRY, but I've decided to move again.

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry about this, but I've decided to move again. The new blog is on Wordpress again, because there are more templates and you can make another page. Sorry.


Monday 21 December 2009

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Nobody seems to comment on my blog or take any notice of it. So I'm conisidering not blogging any more. Why should I? Who actually reads this blog? Untill any further notice GOODBYE.

Comment if you actually DO read this blog, and I may stay. Infact, why and I still typing? Your not reading it. Sorry. :|

Thursday 17 December 2009

Ideas for New Cave Items by NS!

This is an idea for a NEW cave item!

The Cave Spray Painter!

Sorry for one or two spelling mistakes!
Baisicly, you buy the can and you can create grafiti in your cave! Of course, this is only an idea, and I need YOU to help promote it! Comment and tell me if you like it, then tell Rex and stuff. But I'm not gunna be lazy and just sit on the chair in my living room looking at the computer screen watching BBC iPlayer, I'll comment on the blog of Webosaurs and tell Modosaurs like MMoon and stuff. But this isn't the ONLY great idea for a Weboitem, check Beluga's Webosaurs News for lotsa great ideas!

Over and out,
-NightStriker, WEB Leader

Sorry for the delay, but I really don't need to post anything.

The title explains about 80% of it. Don't expect me to just post everything that the Webosaurs Blog has posted, because I don't need to. You can get all the updates at I'll post all the things that are really neccisary - like new games, my parties, Webosaurs Events and stuff like that - not daily dino facts or cave compo sign ups.

This is a quick go through of all the NESSISARY Webosaurs Elites News (short for Webosaurs Elites will be written on the blog as WEB - Webosaurs Elites Blog)
Reintroducing WODD-CHOP!Wood-Chop is a game that was removed by the Webosaurs Team very early on, so it is lightly that you won't remeber it unless ou were a Beta Tester. You can now play it again at the Sub Alpine Forest.

Plus it's the WEBO GAMES Ceremony tommorow (Friday). You probably haven't heard of it.

From the Webosaurs Blog

WeboGames Opening Ceremony - Friday

Where: Lizard Lounge/Webo Ridge

When: Friday, December 18th - 17:00 WST

Server: Jurassic

Attention dinos! This Friday we’ll be hosting the Official Opening Ceremony for WeboGames! WeboGames is a week long gaming competition that will test your skills in every game on the island. The Top 3 dinos who display their ability to compete across the board will be crowned champions at the end and win the illustrious WeboGames trophies. Don’t fret though, everyone who participates is going to receive a special WeboGames medallion!

Join us at the Lizard Lounge this Friday for a fun time with special guests and learn more about the upcoming competition. WeboGames will officially start at the end of the opening ceremony. See you all there!


These are the first, second and third medals to be won at the WG.

Over and out,

Tuesday 15 December 2009

experiMENTAL!! One

Here is a banner I made for a Webosaurs blog:
Do you like it? Do you? Really? Comment!



Okay, I've decided to make another site but for ALL virtual worlds, but I will still be posting at this one for all the latest Webosaurs news. I will still post about Webosaurs on the new blog, but only about really MAJOR stuff. The virtual worlds I will be posting about are:

Secret Builders
Club Penguin
and a bit of Webosaurs

Heres the URL:

Over and out,
NightStriker - Webosaurs Elites Prime Minister ^_^

Monday 14 December 2009

Updateathon: The Third Instalment (Xat Chat, Coin Code Contest 2 Winners)

Hey Dinos! The winners of the Webosaurs Blog Coin Code Contest have finally been announced.
Here they are:
WebosaursGangsters.blogspot OH HOW MUCH I LIKE THIS BLOG Well, obviously. The No.1 favourite of the Weboteam. Kind, friendly, everything. A bit of everything, for whatever gamer you are! While posting for Webosaurs News, he also runs his own awesome blog. Great at updating on the latest, everyday, every hour.

I wonder when I'll get a coin code? PLEASE CAN THERE BE A ROUND 3? One more chance?
Aaaaaaaaanyway, here's the updates on the site. New Xat Chat on the sidebar, currently experimenting on it. I may come up as "William Billion " on it though, as, well, that's my name.

TO DO: MUST get a better banner. Need to learn some tips from Jemster...

Over and out,

Saturday 12 December 2009


Nevermind - it was fun while it lasted!

Sorry for the delay, but here are the UPDATES!

Hello fellow dinos, Webosaurs have been updating Webosaurs like crazy lately!
First of all, Bluggin' Beach Bunker is the OFFICIAL name of the VIP Room! PLUS Jungle Beach is now on the map so we don't have to do all this complicated stuff...And just in case you haven't noticed, the map has changed too!

I really like this new map design as I'm still only on the bone medal and I need to find the other Battle Arenas! Thanks Webosaurs, it's a great help.
There are also lots of decorations about:
All these new updates are so brilliant! Enjoy, and good luck with the second coin code contest (and good luck to myself!)

Over and out,

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Egg Hunt Guide: Spilled Paint Bucket

These are the answers to the newset EH:

Egg 1 – Gushing Geyser – ‘Triceratops’.

Egg 2 – Soggy Bottom Swamp – ‘Hadrosaur’.

Egg 3 – Carnivorous Cavern – ‘Tertiary’.

Egg 4 – Forest Floor – ‘Ichthyosaur’.

Egg 5 – Webo Ridge – ‘Mary Ann Mantell’.

Egg 6 – Hillside Canopy – ‘Pachycephalosaur’.

Egg 7 – Tonto Plateau – ‘Permineralization’.

Egg 8 – Croc Peninsula Treefort – ‘Ankylosaur’.


Monday 7 December 2009

Updateathon: The Sequel

It's time for another UPDATEATHON! Not as much news here as last time but still enough worth UPDATEATHON...ING (??).
The Possibly Winning VIP Room Name Winner (Umm...) Iss......
Currently in the lead is Bluggin' Beach Bunker with 22 votes SO FAR. In second place it's the Midnight Member Party Room with 17 votes. As you can see, I voted MIDNIGHT MEMBER PARTY ROOM (WOOT) Please can you help the cause (ha!) and vote No.2 on the list. Okay, okay, that's a bit mean, you can vote for who you want, but if you can't think of anything, vote MIDNIGHT MEMBER PARTY ROOM. Okay, OR Club Dancing Fish, as whoever chose that must feel bad that s/he only got one vote. Part Two, and now it's more about my site.
Just incase you haven't noticed, I've added quite a few gadgets onto my site, including a poll, a music player (you may have noticed my most used song are VERY weird, but i reccomend them) a fortune cookie simulator and a counter that tells you and I how many other people are currently browsing the website. That may come in handy later on when I add a chat gadget....

That's it for today's news and other weirdness stuff about me, but I'll leave you with one last note... sooner or later Webosaurs will disicover the ledgendary VIP or not to VIP (GEDDIT?) that lets members OR non-member go to the VIP Room at the Jungle beach, so I think we'll have to report it... but what do you think? CommentCommentComment!!!!!

Over and out,
NightStriker, Webosaurs Elites Prime Minister ^_^

Sunday 6 December 2009

You Decide! The VIP Room

Webosaurs haven't yet named their great members only VIP Room located at Jungle Beach. And they have given us the chance to do it for them!
Remeber the last post when I told all you lovely lot the secret URL to get to the VIP Room:
If you haven't already, you HAVE to check that post out! Just scroll down to the blog post below.

Anyway, what I'm really here to tell you about today is the new comp to decide the name for the brand new, rockin' VIP Room at Jungle Beach. Here are my suggestions:
Don't steal! Be imaginative and give in your own suggestions! Copying other people never did anyone any good! Just made things more complicated and awkward. So I hope you all enter and try your best!

Over and out,
NightStriker, Webosaurs Elites Prime Minister

Saturday 5 December 2009

TOP SECRET UNLEASHED! How to get to the VIP Room without being a member!

Shhhh! Don't tell anybody!
Here is the URL to get to the VIP Room at Jungle Beach!!! Yes!

The VIP room is so cool! You should check it out!


Over and out,
NightStriker, Webosaurs Elites Prime Minister :D

How To Get The Anchor For Jungle Beach!!

Here I reveal to all you who want to know how to get to Jungle Beach.
When you go to "The Rumble Rocks Cave", there is a boat. Click on the boat and you should get this:

Well, if you don't know where the anchor is, here is the guide:
Go to Soggy Bottom Swam. Go to the top and you should find the anchor. That's all I'll say. Good luck!

Over and out,

Friday 4 December 2009

Dino Fact: The Best Of (Or at least my favourite)

I just really love this dino fact. If you don't check the Webosaurs Blog regularly, then I'll post the ones that I think are my faves and that I hope you like too.

Daily Dino Fact: Dragon or Dinosaur?

December 3rd, 2009


Q: What were dinosaurs called before they were called dinosaurs? HaleyN

A: Dinosaurs have been called many things before people realized what the actually were. Humans have been finding dinosaur bones for thousands of years but it wasn’t until the 1600’s when people started thinking, shall we say, more accurately about them.

The Chinese believed them to be dragon bones and used them in traditional medicines. During the Jin Dynasty (265-420 AD), Zhang Qu writes of the discovery of such bones as dragons. Dragons have long been a symbol of Chinese culture, something the discovery of dinosaur bones surely influenced.

In Europe, people believed that the bones were the remains of creatures or giants that had been killed during the Biblical Great Flood. During the 1600s, people started scientifically describing the remains they had found and recognized them as belonging to an extinct animal. It wasn’t until Sir Richard Owen coined the term “dinosaur” in 1842 that we had a modern name for them.


Daily Dino Fact: Hey, looks aren’t everything November 19th, 2009
The Meanest Mug of the Mesozoic

The Meanest Mug in the Mesozoic

Q: What was the ugliest dino ever? -Chunkyman1

A: A couple months ago we had done a Daily Dino Fact as a joke, calling the liopleurodon the cutest dinosaur ever. I wanted to get something else for this post but there is just no other way around it, liopleurodon is hands down the ugliest dinosaur to ever be on this earth. Well, technically he wasn’t a dinosaur because he was a swimmer but that is just a technicality.

This fearsome creature was probably one of the greatest predators of all time. It was quick in the water and had powerful jaws to destroy just about anything. It also happened to have one of the gnarliest faces of all time to. That is someone you would not introduce to your mother.

Thanks for the question Chunkyman1. Until next time, keep bluggin!


Daily Dino Fact: Little raptor makes his debut on Earth

November 4th, 2009
Terrifying... to dragonflies anyway

Terrifying... to dragonflies

Q: What was the first dinosaur in the world? Aswewer

A: From Mary M. Alward: “The first dinosaur, sometimes called the “dawn dinosaur,” was Eoraptor. It was about the size of a dog. An almost complete skeleton was found in Argentina in 1993. Scientists were delighted. The discovery of an almost complete skeleton of a dinosaur is a very rare find.

Eoraptor was a very fierce hunter, and a meat eater. It was fast and smart. It’s teeth were serrated (sharp and jagged). It was 1 foot (12 inches) high and 3 feet (approx. 1 meter) long. It weighed only 20 lbs. (9 kilos) It stood on its hind legs and had small, grasping hands. It looked a little like a miniature t-rex. Scientists believe it could walk on four legs, but speculate (think) it did so only if necessary. The skull was small, but strong. Its bones were hollow. Eoraptor had five fingers on its front limbs, which it used with skill.”

Thanks for the question, what else do you guys have for me?


Daily Dino Fact: Na na na na, hey hey hey… Goodbye!

November 3rd, 2009

Q: How did the dinosaurs become extinct? - Rent and Pilpulpichu

A: We’ve answered this question before, but it is such a big deal I thought it would be good to have a refresher.

I’m sure you guys are getting used to this response by now, but we don’t really know. There are two competing theories on the extinction that occurred at the K/T bounday (the time between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods). One group believes it was a gradual extinction and the other follows the idea of a single catastrophic event. Here is what we do know:

-There was global climate change from warm to cooler temperatures going into the Cenozoic. However the dinosaurs went extinct, this is what caused it. How it happened is the subject of debate.


These guys believe that the extinction occurred over a long period of time. We know there was a lot of volcanic activity at the end of the Cretaceous, and the ash from these eruptions could have partially blocked out the sun and produced climate change over time. Another possible answer is earthquakes and the shifting of the earth’s plates.


These dudes believe a single or series of catastrophic events wiped out the dinosaurs relatively quickly. The biggest theory in this area is that a large object from space collided with the Earth, making so much dust and debris that it blocked out the sun, causing climate change on a larger and quicker scale.

So what really happened? We really don’t know. This is one of the most heavily debated topics in paleontology today and there are a wide variety of theories. For more information you can read this article from the University of California Museum of Paleontology.

How do you think the dinosaurs died?


Well that's it for "The Best Of" but I'll do it again when I see some more really cool Dino Facts.

Over and out,
NightStriker, Webosaurs Elites Prime Minister ^_^

It’s time for the…. Updateathon!

It’s time for the…. Updateathon!

3 12 2009

Lots of stuff to say so here we go:

Webosaurs has been great recently, with the scavenger hunt and lots of competitions. Unfortunately, I didn’t win the Blog Coin Contest. But yeah, you have to say they where all worthy winners. Here they are:


This has to be my favourite one of the three winners. It looks brilliant, and FireIce IS brilliant. Click here to go to the site.


Great blog with everything in it. It’s updated all the time with all the latest Webonews.

Screechie’s Webosaurs

And last but 101% NOT least, it’s Screechie’s Blog. Updated every day and run by Screechie and Videogamemaster, this blog’s greatness never ends.

I can wait to see what they do with their 10 coin codes each….

But the great thing about this comp, what kinda that I lost. Now it has encouraged me to make my blog better and better and keep on the ball. Thank you Webosaurs! ^_^

NEXT UPDATE: NEW SCROLL! Yes! There is a 14th scroll! Oh, I’m so excited! What will it be like? Will it start a whole new saga of Webostories? Will it unlock forbidden secrets of Webosaurs Island? Who knows! You have to find it to unlock what is held beneath!

And if you haven’t noticed, there is an egg hunt. The hunt will be all month and it sounds so fun! I cant wait to find them all! Like I said with the Scrolls, Webosaurs is such a mysterious place! The scavenger hunt will start at the Gushing Geyser. I will be giving spoilers soon to the egg locations.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND: Rumble Rocks Boat is about to set sail! More about that later!

(The blowout party celebration the RRB’s lauch will be held THIS FRIDAY at 17:30 WST)

More Updateathons will be coming to WebosaursElites SHORTLY!!!

Over and out,

NightStriker, Webosaurs Elites Prime Minister :D